A smile - is your choice!
Moscow, st. Troitskaya 8

About us

Dentistry ROMDENT: everything you need to know about your clinic.

Welcome to our site!
My name is Roman Aleksandrovich Lavrenov, I am a practicing dentist and founder of the dental practice ROMDENT.

ROMDENT: a modern and effective treatment

I have always considered the main professional direction the practical application of modern technologies with proven and predictable effectiveness. In fact, the ability to choose the right technology or a combination of them is the key to success. Based on this, I have assembled a team of professional doctors, united by a common philosophy and a close approach to solving complex clinical problems.

ROMDENT: high-value family practice

ROMDENT - is the interaction of professionals, teamwork and proper management.

ROMDENT's philosophy is a flexible approach, both in choosing methods and materials, and in choosing a financial treatment plan.

We inform about the possibilities of medicine, provide comparative characteristics of possible options, an independent opinion on the results of the diagnosis, and the patient makes a decision. Everyone chooses his own smile.

  • Our mission is to provide effective and affordable dental care with exceptional attention to each of our clients.
  • Goals - to form the most complete set of opportunities to become a 100% competent universal dentistry.
  • Tasks - daily work to improve customer-oriented service, training personnel to work with people, hardening the skills of doctors, continuing education, constantly monitoring new medical products and developing new, even better methods for treating patients.

Become our client and you will forever forget about negative emotions about dental treatment. You will come to us with a smile, and leave us - also smiling!

ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us
ROMDENT | About us

11 reasons to contact ROMDENT

Why do patients safely trust us with dental health:

  • Detailed consultations. You can come in to talk personally with the doctor, voice your wishes and familiarize yourself with treatment plan. You will know in advance about all further medical manipulations and their cost. The presence of special computer animation programs and the creation of a special treatment plan file allow you to remember all the details of communication.
  • Professionalism of doctors. Each specialist can confirm his qualifications through years of successful practice, certificates and licenses, a huge number of satisfied patients. All employees regularly improve their professional level, master new technologies.
  • Staffed.All doctors work in tandem with assistants. This allows you to correctly organize the treatment process: the doctor will be busy all the time, without being distracted by finding the right tool.
  • Availability of license. There is an authorization document for each type of service in ROMDENT, including on dental prosthetics. All documents, including diplomas and awards for participation in competitions and advanced training courses, are openly accessible for visitors.
  • Security. We use disposable tools that we remove from the sterile package for the patient. We monitor the cleanliness and order in the clinic in accordance with SanPin standards. You can be absolutely sure of the safety and hygiene of our tools and facilities.
  • A variety of techniques. We will select the optimal type of prosthesis and install it in a quality manner. Our dentistry performs dental treatment and prosthetics only using proven technologies, without risk to patients. We preliminarily talk about the various possible options and explain the advantages of each for the optimal choice of methodology.
  • Observation of the patient. After treatment and prosthetics, we do not forget about patients. We maintain regular communication, conduct inspections and monitor the progress of the rehabilitation process. This helps customers feel calmer, more confident and avoids complications.
  • Современное оборудование. Наша практика соответствует всем современным требованиям к стоматологическим кабинетам премиум-уровня: оборудование профессионального класса из Европы и Америки позволяет проводить манипуляции по самым новейшим методикам. Используем спектрофотометр для определения цвета зубов, электронные приборы для диагностики кариеса, определения жизнеспособности пульпы и постановки верного диагноза, электронный ассистент для контроля обработки корневых каналов, специальную центрифугу для изготовления препаратов по клеточным технологиям, артикулятор для идеальной настройки прикуса.
  • Качественные материалы. Не используем «доисторический» пломбировочный материал, который до сих применяют в поликлиниках. Лечение проводим только с импортными качественными материалами последнего поколения. Для протезирования и установки конструкций используем цементы последнего поколения, обеспечивающие максимальную долговечность. Используем коффердам.
  • Демократичная стоимость услуг. Мы хотим, чтобы каждый мог позволить себе иметь здоровые зубы. Поэтому наша стоматология на протезирование зубов цены не поднимает уже несколько лет, заботясь о пациентах и с экономической точки зрения.
  • Зуботехническая лаборатория. Сотрудничаем с «Стоматологической лабораторией Шульнер». Она была основана в Германии. На территории России представлена высокоточным фрезерным центром с грамотным персоналом и качественными ортопедическими конструкциями. Наши пациенты могут рассчитаывать только на самое лучшее, без лишних затрат.

Если вы искали надежную стоматологию в городе Москва, то сделали верный выбор. Забудьте о сомнениях и страхах — позвоните и запишитесь на консультацию.  

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