A smile - is your choice!
Moscow, st. Troitskaya 8

Dental treatment

Our teeth are subjected to tremendous stress every day and attacked by millions of germs. Not surprisingly, even with the most careful care, their health is sometimes at risk. What to do in such a situation, every patient knows: urgently consult a dentist to treat a diseased tooth.

Dental and gum treatment without fear and pain

If you think that teeth are “drilled the same” everywhere, then you are deeply mistaken. We assure you: they drill differently, and the materials for treatment are different.

ROMDENT uses advanced approaches to tooth restoration. We even practice the treatment of a wisdom tooth.

Since its foundation, we have been building our work on three “pillars”:

  1. Accurate diagnosis. In order to draw the correct conclusions about the condition of the patient's dentofacial system, one visual examination is not enough - more informative techniques are required. We have at our disposal a whole arsenal of equipment that allows us to conduct examinations at the highest level. In acute tooth inflammation, surgical treatment is required, for the prevention of problems - a completely different option. An accurate diagnosis will guarantee that complete dental treatment will be successful.
  2. Absolute psychological comfort for patients. One of the tasks of our specialists is to create a trusting atmosphere that helps patients to tune in to a good result. In particular, this distinguishes dental treatment in private clinics from the atmosphere in municipal institutions. And so that the manipulations do not turn into torture, we use reliable modern anesthesia. For especially impressionable patients experiencing real panic in the dentist's chair, we offer a unique service - dental treatment under sedation or anesthesia.
  3. Effective therapy aimed at long-term results. We do not just eliminate, for example, root inflammation - modern dental treatment involves the full restoration of the function and appearance of the dentition. Each tubercle of the tooth is involved in the process of chewing food, so any changes in its original anatomy can lead to undesirable consequences: improper distribution of chewing load and the development of gum disease. With the help of filling materials, our dentists carefully recreate the pristine relief of the destroyed tooth - so that in the future the patient does not have any problems, and he turned to us only for prevention. In ROMDENT, you can safely come to the treatment of the root of the tooth, tooth canals - we practice both endodontics and surgical methods.

Treatment of permanent teeth in adults without pain and complications is possible. Experienced practitioners of ROMDENT have vast experience in this field, they try to do it quickly and with high quality. For us, the first place is not the number of patients accepted per unit time, but their satisfaction with the result. If consultation of an adjacent specialist is required, we will send it only to a reliable partner. Coming to paid treatment at ROMDENT, you trust the best specialists in this field with dental health.

See also: caries.

ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment
ROMDENT | Dental treatment